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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Airbus Logo

Defence and Space

Pléiades Neo satellite image - 30 cm resolution - Rouen, France

Explore Satellite Imagery and Services Available

Discover how easy it is to access our Airbus Constellation and associated services

Data and analytics

Pléiades Neo archive and tasking

Easily order Pléiades Neo 30cm optical imagery and task the satellites for new acquisitions

Pléiades & SPOT archive and tasking

Acquire new 50cm and 1.5m data when and where you need it

Living library

Access premium satellite imagery from our multi-resolution optical archive

Radar tasking and archive

Task new collections or select from the archive and access weather-independent data


Global imagery layer of fresh 1.5m, 50cm and 30cm data. Custom options available


Access global WorldDEM products including WorldDEM Neo and WorldDEM4Ortho for 3D analytics

Guest Access

Search the full 30cm, 50cm and 1.5m archive

3D textured model

Add relied to your imagery and visualize the world in 3D

Data, analytics and services


Rely on an advanced solution to curb deforestation and meet sustainable forest management

Stack insight

Providing high accuracy volume calculation, when and where you need it

Want to try our imagery?

Sign up for access to the Living Library or Radar data to explore our service free for 30 days!
Premium satellite imagery usecase image from Texas

Sample satellite imagery

Have a look at our samples and explore how our advanced satellite imagery and value-added products can support your projects. Our expert team remains available at any time to help you and answer any questions you may have regarding our data.
Pléiades Neo satellite image - 30cm resolution - Catfish in Nigeria