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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

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Defence and Space

Pléiades satellite image 50 cm resolution - Washington DC, USA

Our Optical and Radar High-Resolution Satellite Imagery

The most comprehensive Constellation of commercial optical and radar Earth observation satellites


All these acquisitions were collected on the occasion of a dedicated reseller event in March 2023. The Airbus optical and radar constellation was precisely commissioned to collect and deliver satellite imagery on this specific day over Miami


We've changed the game in Earth Observation

A unique Constellation with extensive satellite imagery solutions

With more than 40 years of experience, we provide users with easy access to multi-source, multi-resolution optical and radar premium satellite data to fuel the value creation chain. Airbus Constellation delivers outstanding acquisition and agility performances from very high-resolution imagery to country-wide coverage. 

Defence, Agriculture, Land Administration and Mapping, Forestry and Environment… each sector comes with its specific set of requirements, legacy solutions, regulations and challenges. We give decision-makers integrated, sustainable solutions to meet their needs.

To answer these diverse needs with maximum efficiency and reliability, we offer various tasking options , ensuring priority access to our satellites for timely and accurate data collection.

Your advantages with our Constellation
Grandavick volcano eruption, Iceland Satellite image by Pléiades Neo

Grindavick Volcano Eruption, Iceland by Pléiades Neo

From the big picture to the finest detail

  • Ideal combination between coverage and resolution
  • From local insight to nation-wide mapping
  • From detection to classification and identification
Reliable, extensive and accurate
  • Premium multi-resolution imagery, high-quality elevation models, global layers and innovative analytics capabilities  
  • 24/7 access through the OneAtlas Platform 
  • Fresh and extensive +40 years archive

Timely image acquisition

  • Agile sensors with multiple tasking modes and ultra-fast delivery regardless of the weather or lighting conditions
  • Optimised tasking plans allowing daily revisit anywhere
  • From anticipation to emergency response

The Airbus Constellation of satellites

Pléiades Neo satellite image - H30cm resolution
Pléiades Neo

Our most advanced optical constellation provides 30cm very high-resolution imagery with ultimate reactivity optimised at each step of the satellite acquisition and delivery cycle.

Pléiades Neo
Radar Constellation satellite image
Radar Constellation

The Radar Constellation provides 25cm to 40m weather and daylight independent imagery

Radar Constellation
Pléiades image satellite -50cm resolution

The Pléiades satellites provide 50cm very high-resolution optical imagery with excellent image quality and location accuracy

Vision 1 satellite image - 90cm resolution

Vision-1 provides 1m high-resolution imagery with full end-to-end mission operation services. It is particularly suited for defence, security, maritime and agriculture applications

SPOT satellite image - 1.5m resolution

SPOT provides 1.5m resolution imagery for large area coverage

Strat-Observer - First OPAZ image on Zephyr - Arizona, USA

New generation of global stratospheric Earth observation services with an embedded optical payload designed to fly on any type of High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS)

Airbus Constellation of satellites

The Airbus Constellation

Building the future

We continuously adapt our offer to meet evolving requirements and partner with other organisations to ensure that we deliver the perfect solution. Our different programmes such as Strat-Observer, the new generation of global stratospheric Earth observation services, Pléiades Neo Next the continuation of the Pléiades Neo journey with enhanced performance and an outstanding 20cm class resolution, CO3D, the next generation of 3D High-Resolution data for global Digital Elevation Model allows us to prepare for a better future. 


Get to know our products

We have different options that allow users to dive deeper into our products:

One Tasking

Order & obtain the imagery you need, where and when you need it. 
Our Tasking service is available for optical sensors, including Pléiades Neo, and for the Radar Constellation for weather and daylight-independent collections over any aera of interest.

Free Trial – Living Library

A 30 day free trial of our Living Library service allows you to stream and download 500E worth of 30cm, 50cm and 1.5m resolution optical imagery.

Choose any location globally.

Account and verification needed.

Free Trial - Imagery Basemaps

Try our Imagery Basemaps for free during 30 days. 

Get 500€ worth of data to use to see the quality, resolution, accuracy of the data and coverage options for your area of interest.

Account and verification needed.

Pléiades Neo imagery  - Tafeghaghte, Morroco

Tefeghaghte after the Earthquake, Pléiades Neo

Our Constellation in action
Natural Disaster Response

In September 2023, a high magnitude earthquake stroke south of Morocco causing countless losses. In this context, Airbus Pléiades Neo and SPOT satellites have been mobilised by the International Charter Space and Major Disasters to provide free satellite data to support disaster relief organizations.

Our emergency tasking allowed us to have a global and precious view of the damages that occurred in Morocco before the arrival of the emergency teams. Thanks to SPOT, 60km swath, we could easily assess the extent of the damages. On the other hand, Pléiades Neo high precision allowed the identification of destroyed buildings and usable roads that the emergency services could use. 

What our customers say

Our services are recommended by industry experts just like you

For this client there were three factors that were of critical importance: geospatial accuracy, time from capture to delivery of the final product and high quality. Airbus have consistently delivered on all three over a period of 3 years.

Mark Covington - GM Portrait Head

Mark Covington

General Manager of Geoimage

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