Defence C5ISR
Joint ISR
Real-Time Joint ISR
Fortion® SuRVIn cPED
Fortion® SuRVIn cPED
The solution for tactical and operational ISR
Fortion® SuRVIn cPED provides full exploitation and surveillance capabilities for tactical and operational ISR, establishing and distributing a shared situational awareness picture in real-time.

Superior situational awareness for effective decision-making - Watch the video here
What is Fortion® SuRVIn cPED?
Fortion SuRVIn cPED provides authorities with continuous, real-time and geographically accurate situational awareness. Using standard interfaces, it can easily connect to many different sensors on-board a multitude of drones, ships, vehicles and satellites, enabling users to rapidly create and share intelligence data with other armed forces.
Fortion® SuRVIn cPED supports timely and accurate decision-making
Data fusion
Fortion SuRVIn cPED combines real-time data from different kinds of sensor sources with non-real time data. The advanced fusion features allow the combination of different types of sources and sensors (e.g. GMTI, NFFI, IFF, ELINT, optical, Link16) in order to generate a Common Relevant Operational Picture (CROP) of all objects (ground, air, sea) and a complete mission overview.
Full exploitation and surveillance capability
Fortion SuRVIn cPED provides operators with a full set of analysis and exploitation tools (SAR, image, video, etc.) for reconnaissance, surveillance and intelligence. It covers the whole Intelligence Cycle (Planning, Collection, Processing & Analysis and Dissemination) and supports the OODA-Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act). Fortion SuRVIn cPED allows to establish various ISR products and also offers simulation and training capabilities.
Standard interfaces
Fortion SuRVIn cPED provides NATO-interoperable data interfaces to national Command, Control, Communications and Information (C4I) systems, and into the Link 16 and Link 22 networks. Intelligence data can also be disseminated via Coalition Shared Database (CSD).
Fortion SuRVIn cPED interoperability is in line with NATO ISR Interoperability Architecture (NIIA) and its applicable STANAGs, thus any further intelligence system can be easily connected. The interoperability has been verified by the NATO Communication and Information Agency (NCIA) in The Hague, Netherlands.
Service-oriented architecture
Fortion SuRVIn cPED has an open, scalable, upgradeable and inter-operable architecture based on the Allied Data Publication 34 ADatP-34(D) reference architecture “NATO C3 Technical Architecture”. It defines NATO Technical Reference Model (NTRM), NATO Common Operating Environment (COE) and NATO Component (NCO) Model using Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) paradigms. It can be configured and assembled to customer needs.
With its impressive ISR capabilities and features, Fortion SuRVIn cPED is the applied solution for the Airbus contribution to NATO AGS.
Key features
- Real-time, multi-source integration of all available data to provide accurate situational awareness (tactical/operational air, land, maritime Recognised Operational Picture)
- Processing, storage and dissemination of intelligence data
- Full set of exploitation tools (SAR, image, video, etc.)
- International standards and interfaces (e.g. NATO STANAGs) allow easy connection of diverse sensors and ensure interoperability with other systems, platforms and other Forces
- Multi-source data fusion of: Radar, SAR, ISAR, EO/IR, MTI, NFFI, IFF, ESM, FMV, AIS, ADS-B, Mission Data, etc., identification and classification
- Tactical Data Links (Link16, Link 22, JREAP)
- Covering the whole intelligence cycle: planning, collection, processing & analysis and dissemination, supporting the OODA-Loop
- Integrated simulation and training capacities
- Unique approach combining real-time ISR capabilities with artificial intelligence and smart data analytics
Our unrivalled expertise for over three decades in satellite imagery acquisition, data processing, intelligence extraction, fusion and dissemination allied to significant command and control capabilities enables us to create a comprehensive situational awareness picture and deliver sophisticated end-to-end solutions.
Your advantages with Fortion SuRVIn cPED
Allows multi-source data fusion and quickly and securely disseminate the Situational Picture to all participants
Scalable, easily extendible and upgradeable service-oriented architecture
Accredited and in use by NATO
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