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Los Angeles, Harbor 110 Freeway satellite imagery, Pléiades Neo 30cm resolution

Pléiades Neo for Urban, Land Administration and Mapping

State-of-the-art precision and reliability, revolutionising Mapping for a dynamic world

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Pléiades Neo for Urban and Mapping industries


Only half of the Earth’s land surfaces are covered by topographic mapping and many of these maps are outdated or inaccurate. In our constantly changing environment where information is key, having accurate fresh maps is vital for many applications.

Whether you need to map a country, a city, produce very accurate orthorectified imagery or get digital elevation models, Airbus has developed a comprehensive portfolio dedicated to mapping over the last 20 years, making us one of the global leaders within this market.

Pléiades Neo will reinforce this position by offering the best sub-metric, accurate and updated DEM.

Your advantages with Pléiades Neo in Urban, Land Administration and Mapping

Redefining precision to map the future


Highest geolocation accuracy for large-scale mapping in military and civilian contexts


Daily revisits enable rapid acquisitions, ensuring frequent updates for any product layer

3D Models

Satellite agility ensures multi-stereo acquisitions in a single pass, crucial for topographic map creation

Seamless coverage

For large and seamless imagery mosaics, satellite agility and collection capacity ensure extensive coverage in a short timeframe

Pléiades Neo: a new era for Urban, Land Administration and Mapping applications

Pléiades Neo delivers exceptionally high-resolution imagery with pinpoint geolocation accuracy, offering unparalleled insights to meet the needs of Urban and Mapping stakeholders with precise and actionable data.

New Delhi Central Park satellite image by Pléiades Neo30cm resolution

Central Park at Connaught Place in New Delhi, India

How can Pléiades Neo be used?

Pléiades Neo offers powerful capabilities for Urban, Land Administration, and Mapping needs, enabling stakeholders to accurately update, map, plan, and deploy across diverse applications
  • Update: keep land administration and cadastral records current with high-resolution imagery, ensuring accurate and timely updates.
  • Map: create detailed city maps at very large scales and perform land use and land cover mapping for thorough spatial analysis.
  • Plan: enhance urban planning and smart city initiatives with 3D modelling and textured models, supporting effective project design and implementation.
  • Deploy: monitor and assess project progress and urban changes through regular updates and alerts, ensuring proactive management and deployment strategies.

With 30cm resolution and the most accurate geolocation, Pléiades Neo offers a significant level of detail that enhances monitoring, planning, and decision-making across a wide range of urban and mapping applications

Ready to get started and see the detail and accuracy of Pléiades Neo? Get started below with a Free Trial of the Living Library (which includes 30cm data).

Who can Pléiades Neo support?

Istanbul, Turkiye satellite image by Pléiades Neo 30cm native resolution

Grand Bazaar of Istanbul, Turkiye, Pléiades Neo

Land Administration

  • Cadastral mapping: update land ownership records
  • Land use and zoning: enforce regulations and zoning laws

Urban and infrastructure planning

  • Urban planning: manage urban development and infrastructure projects
  • Infrastructure planning: design and maintain roads, pipelines, and power lines
  • Right-of-way management: optimise land use for infrastructure corridors

Mapping and geospatial solutions

  • Topographic mapping: create detailed maps of land features
  • Boundary surveys: define precise property boundaries
  • Site selection and development planning: identify and plan for development projects

Utilities and telecommunications

  • Infrastructure planning: plan and manage infrastructure such as roads, pipelines, and power lines
  • Right-of-way management: manage land use for infrastructure corridors
  • Network planning: design and monitor telecommunications networks

Risk and environmental protection

  • Risk assessment: evaluate risks related to land use and natural disasters
  • Claim verification: assess damage claims for accuracy
  • Market analysis: analyse land value and market trends
  • Land conservation: monitor and protect conservation areas
  • Environmental impact assessments: evaluate the impacts of development projects on the environment
  • Resource management: manage natural resources sustainably
Marseille Velodrome, France, Pléiades Neo Elevation 0,5 model

Pléiades Neo - Elevation 0.5 DSM © Airbus DS 2024 - Marseille

How does Pléiades Neo Elevation 0.5 help with Land Administration and Mapping ?

The Elevation 0.5 product (50cm resolution) from Pléiades Neo offers significant benefits for Land Administration and Mapping:
  • Detailed topographical mapping: provides highly detailed and accurate elevation data, essential for creating precise topographical maps. This level of detail supports tasks such as zoning, land use planning, and infrastructure development by giving a clear understanding of the terrain.
  • Accurate property and boundary identification: facilitates precise identification of property boundaries and natural features, crucial for cadastral mapping. This ensures accurate and up-to-date records, which are vital for legal and administrative processes in land management.

Pléiades Neo in action

Browse our case studies for Urban, Land Administration and Mapping

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Mamoudzou Pléiades Neo HD15 imagery zoom
Land Administration and Mapping
Pléiades Neo

Mapping very dense urban areas in Mayotte with Pléiades Neo HD15 imagery

As a result of incorporating recent HD15 imagery into their mapping updates, the local authority has been able to rehabilitate substandard housing and relocate households from high-risk areas. 

Precision mapping of urban vegetation
Land Administration and Mapping
Pléiades Neo

Precision Mapping of Urban Vegetation using Pléiades Neo Imagery

In 2022, Airbus launched the Pléiades Neo Challenge, a call for projects offering free access to Pléiades Neo imagery.

The Metaverse Requires Very High Resolution, Spatially Accurate, Timely Geospatial Data banner
Land Administration and Mapping
Pléiades Neo

The Metaverse Requires Very High Resolution, Spatially Accurate, Timely Geospatial Data

‘Metaverse’ is a catch-all term that describes a fully immersive, virtual 3D world where visitors can interact with their surroundings and each other, often through the use of VR headsets or advanced visualization and simulation software.

Want to go further with Pléiades Neo?

Our sales team would be happy to provide you with more information about Pléiades Neo and how it can meet your Urban, Land Administration and Mapping needs

Satellite image - City landscape - Map Airbus product page