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Airbus to provide UK Ministry of Defence with next-generation satellite modems for Skynet milsatcoms


The Future Protected Modem - type A (FPMA) military modem capability will ensure continuity of Skynet secure satellite communications.

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Skynet 6A satellite

Airbus has signed a contract with the UK’s Ministry of Defence to provide the next-generation modems for the nation’s Skynet satellite communications constellation.

The new modems are delivered for the Future Protected Modem Type A project. They will replace the current Paradigm Modem System, support the Skynet 5 satellites and the yet-to-be-launched Skynet 6A satellite, and will provide several significant capability enhancements.

The new-generation, sovereign modem has been designed, developed and manufactured in the UK.

Barry Austin, Head of the MOD’s Defence Digital Skynet programme, said: “We are very pleased that following a competition for the future, resilient satellite communications modem for UK Ministry of Defence, that a contract for design, manufacture and through life support for this critical capability has been awarded. Building on their long heritage, this new Airbus produced modem will ensure that the Skynet System continues to deliver world class military satellite communications to Front Line Commands and our deployed operational personnel worldwide.”

Victoria Cope, Defence’s Digital Commercial Director, said: “We are pleased to share that the Future Protected Modem - Type A (FPM-A) competition has successfully concluded and Airbus Defence and Space Ltd has been awarded the contract to deliver this key capability, which forms an integral part of our Enterprise Space Category pipeline, delivering Defence's next generation of military satellite communications.”

The FPMA Modem advanced Software-Defined Radio (SDR) system combines multiple techniques to provide a highly resilient solution and is capable of hosting multiple waveforms. It will deliver safe and secure internet protocol (IP) communications on all commonly-used frequency bands, including X-band.

Richard Budd, Vice-President Space Digital Secure Connectivity UK, US and Asia, said: “This capability allows Airbus to continue to play a critical role in the provision of safe, secure, resilient and sovereign satellite communications capability for the UK, especially relevant in the current dynamic operating environment.

“In particular, the FPMA modem enables capability evolution in response to more sophisticated threats and will do so at sea and on the ground. It’s a fundamental step towards secure Multi Domain Operations.”

The Future Protected Modem-A is due to enter service in 2026, supported and enabled by integrated logistics support and training solutions. The modem includes an intuitive and secure Network Management System, to ensure effective planning and use of the spectrum and to monitor and control all the equipment. 


Aeron Haworth - Airbus Defence and Space

Phone: +44 (0)7585 124704


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