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Defence and Space

OneAtlas Analytics over city landscape satellite image

Supporting Land Administration using OneAtlas Imagery and Ecopia Vector Maps

OneAtlas Analytics offers high accuracy map extraction capabilities using industry-leading Vector Maps from Ecopia, which enable users to quickly build highly accurate mapping layers that are typically resource intensive.

Pléiades 50 cm resolution satellite image - Manhattan


Managing map layers from high-resolution satellite imagery is challenging. Traditionally, creating land use mapping layers is resource-intensive to create, manage, and update as cities grow.

Mapping professionals need to easily acquire up-to-date imagery, and extract highly accurate mapping information efficiently, only over the areas they need. OneAtlas Data provides imagery services to provide the fresh imagery needed for mapping applications. 

Our solution

Acquiring and accessing fresh imagery is easy with OneAtlas. Available in streaming, download or API, our imagery services provide access to premium or historical data, ready to use from the platform in your GIS tool. 

With OneAtlas Analytics, take our imagery services one step further to get high accuracy map extraction products based on highly accurate satellite imagery from OneAtlas.
OneAtlas Analytics offers high-accuracy map extraction with outputs such as land use, building footprints, and road Vector Map data generated by Ecopia. This proprietary machine learning technology offers the ability to build countrywide datasets to power critical decision making enabling a foundation of knowledge that promotes transparency, accountability, and sustained revenue.

  • Detail: high-accuracy extraction of 10+ class land use solution, including building footprints and roads
  • High Accuracy: best-in-class accuracy for any location intelligence or GIS application using advanced machine learning technology
  • Freshness of Data:  Using accurate and fresh imagery from the Living Library enables users to have clearer picture of ground truth
  • Scalable, coast-effective solution with fast delivery: scale quickly across the globe to meet your needs in a fraction of the time and cost



  • Flood Modelling, Mapping & Risk Assessment
    Leverage the vector data to better model and map flood-prone areas which will help to optimize flood mitigation practices.
  • Stormwater Drainage Assessment & Property Taxation
    Better understand the deterioration of stormwater management assets and tax citizens proportionate to the amount of impervious surface area on their property.
  • Smart Cities
    Better understand current land use across your region to determine what areas would benefit most from smart city infrastructure.
  • Road & Transportation
    Gain insight into your region’s road and transportation networks so you can allocate assets and resources more efficiently..
City aera destroyed by flooded waters

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