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Defence and Space


Hydroelectric Operations with AI-Based Image Analysis

Safeguarding the health of lakes and réservoirs in the hydroelectric power network

Aquatic Vegetation Detection by Satelytics along a reservoir and nearby waterways using 50cm Pléiades imagery from Airbus

Aquatic Vegetation Detection by Satelytics along a reservoir and nearby waterways using 50cm Pléiades imagery from Airbus


One of the largest energy utilities in the U.S. is turning to AI-based analysis of Airbus’ 50cm resolution Pléiades 50cm satellite imagery provided by Satelytics to safeguard the health of lakes and reservoirs in its hydroelectric power network. The technology is enhancing the overall effectiveness of monitoring programs by increasing field crew efficiency and boosting the number of potential water body threats identified each year.

Each year, 1.1 million of the utility’s 14.1 million Kw hours of electricity are generated by 16 hydroelectric dams located around the state. Georgia Power’s Land Department is responsible for managing the 59,000 surface acres of water bodies and 100,000 acres of surrounding properties.

Land disturbance issues are the primary concerns we are looking for with our surveillance program in the lands around the lakes. Environmental risk is the biggest issue.

Dawson Ingram

Lake Resources Manager at Georgia Power


Land disturbance threats are usually related to construction or expansion of structures on properties as well as clearing the vegetation. Private landowners often don’t realize that special permitting is required for projects to be performed around these lakes. Other aspects, including monitoring the water for algae and invasive species is also needed.

Aquatic Vegetation Detection by Satelytics along a reservoir and nearby waterways using 50cm Pléiades imagery from Airbus

Aquatic Vegetation Detection by Satelytics along a reservoir and nearby waterways using 50cm Pléiades imagery from Airbus

Aquatic Vegetation, such as hydrilla can be very invasive. This species can not only cause unwanted changes to water quality and other plant life, but it can also grow rapidly to the point where it chokes off flow into dams and causes damage to the hydroelectic stream. In this example, Satelytics helps pinpoint where potential risks are in the waterways.

Our solution

Satelytics is helping Georgia Power to more efficiently monitor the health of lakes and reservoirs in its hydroelectric power network. Satellite imagery, along with Satelytics powerful analytics helps to enhance the overall effectiveness of monitoring programmes by increasing field crew efficiency and boosting the number of potential water body threats identified each year.

Satelytics schedules satellite image acquisitions from Pléiades satellites four times per year through the Airbus OneAtlas’ platform. The algorithms on the near-infrared bands detect land disturbances, vegetative clearing and other signs of construction on land or at the shoreline. Other algorithms detect aquatic plant growth in the water up to depths of two feet. Change detection algorithms are also used on the imagery to help pinpoint change across vast areas.

This service makes the field crews more effective by pointing them in the direction where their expertise is needed [to bring landowners into compliance] or remediate a situation. They don’t waste time scouting for problems.

Jay Almlie

Chief Marketing Officer at Satelytics

  • Satellite imagery can provide a large footprint with high resolution to monitor large areas more efficiently.
  • Georgia Power has confirmed that the teams are finding more non-compliant issues now than they did before using satellite-based method.
  • Imagery users can receive the new acquisitions in a timely manner so that the analytics can automatically be applied, resulting in quicker analysis for the end-user.
  • Satelytics delivers the analysis results directly to the utlity in a variety of formats, including text and email alerts as well as a GIS-based dashboard.
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Organisations involved

Satelytics is a software company, producing geospatial analytics for early detection, location, and — in many instances — quantification of our customers’ most pressing challenges. The Ohio-based company uses science, software, and technology to deliver valuable services to customers to identify problems before they become disasters – environmentally, financially, or otherwise. Learn more about Satelytics here.


Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company America’s premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the Company’s promise to 2.6 million customers in all but four of Georgia’s 159 counties.

Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable, and affordable energy at rates below the national average, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering worldclass service to its customers every day and the Company is recognized by J.D. Power and Associates as an industry leader in customer satisfaction.

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